
Removal of excess sagging skin, re establishing refreshed natural facial curves and contours


The ageing face can lead to a tired and worn out appearance which is often inconsistent with how one feels. This weighs down on the energy and affect that is expressed.  Having a facelift is one modality which may assist you with re establishing a degree of rejuvenation and elimination of some of the facial stigmata of facial ageing.  The goal is to create a refreshed appearance that is noticeable without being able to work out why.  This is achieved while maintaining your natural facial appearance without creating an overdone look.

There are many layers in the face that change with time such as the underlying bony skeleton, superficial and deep fat compartments, and the skin itself.  Changes to all of the facial anatomical components contribute to an overall aged facial appearance.  Breaking down the individual elements that are most likely to be contributing to your ageing stigmata means choosing the most appropriate treatment modality that will be the most effective for you.  A wide range of both surgical and non surgical options are available.  A facelift might be the right choice for you.  

Dr Azzopardi’s technique of choice is an en bloc deep plane facelift.  En bloc means that the skin and the deeper SMAS layer are dissected as one without separating them from each other, therefore causing the least possible trauma to the skin both in the short term peri operative period, in the form of bruising and swelling, and the longer term in the form of skin quality and longevity.  Deep plane refers to a dissection that is deep to the SMAS layer which ensures there is absolutely no tension on the skin and creates a refreshed long lasting appearance that is natural and not overdone.  The incision is kept to a minimum and fashioned around the ear with extension into the hairline avoided as much as possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions

At what age and in what way will I benefit from a facelift?

One of the most noticeable age related changes in the face is lax excess skin which progresses over years. Maintaining a refreshed age appropriate appearance at an earlier stage is easier than attempting to reverse longstanding established changes. A facelift can be considered from the age of about 45 onwards. It achieves a refreshed appearance by removing excess skin and therefore accentuates underlying natural facial curves and contours.

What is an en bloc deep plane facelift and why do you perform it?

An en bloc deep plane facelift refers to the technique of surgical dissection. En bloc means that the skin is not separated from the underlying deeper layer called the SMAS, which translates into a more natural result without a stretched wind swept appearance as well less down time in the immediate postoperative period.  Less skin separation reduces the amount of post operative bleeding and fluid collection which means no drains are needed.  Deep plane means that the dissection is deep to SMAS which allows for a more robust lift and reliable longevity.  A deep plane lift does not necessarily mean that the outcome will be obvious or overdone, it can be tailored to the desired final appearance by adjusting the area of dissection and suture fixation.

How much scarring will I have and will it be visible?

Scars are kept to a minimum.  An incision is carried out along the junction of the ear and cheek, around the earlobe and a few cm’s behind it.  Extension into the hairline is avoided as much as possible.  Scarring varies between different individuals and the process of maturation over the years to follow can’t always be predicted. However, the position of the incision is chosen to blend in with natural creases and therefore be the least noticeable possible.

What type of anaesthesia do I require and how long will I be in hospital for?

General anaesthetic.  An overnight hospital stay is not required and you can be discharged within a few hours of having your operation.

How long does the surgery take?

About 3 hours

How long will I take to recover?

Normal daily activities can be carried out after one week.  Social activities from two weeks.  Returning to work will very much depend on the nature of your duties.  More strenuous activity including sports can be performed within 4-6 weeks.


What are the potential risks and complications? Access a detailed surgical procedure information sheet by the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons here.